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Friday, September 12, 2008


Harvard and Stanford Universities have reported that 85% the reason a person gets a job and gets ahead in that job is due to attitude; and only 15% is because of technical or specific skills.
Interesting, isn’t it? How much money you spent on your education? And how much you spent on building your positive attitude?
That hurts.

Now here is an interesting thought.
With the "right" attitude, you can and will develop the necessary skills.
So where is your emphasis? Skill building? Attitude building? Unfortunately, "Neither" is the real answer. Perhaps if more people knew how simple it is to develop and maintain a positive attitude they would invest more time doing so.

So here we go.

Five steps to staying positive in a negative world:

*Understand that failure is an event, it is not a person. Yesterday ended last night; today is a brand new day, and it is yours. You were born to win, but to be a winner you must plan to win, prepare to win, and then you can expect to win.

*Become a lifetime student. Learn just one new word every day and in five years you will be able to talk with just about anybody about anything. When your vocabulary improves, your I.Q. goes up 100% of the time, according to Georgetown Medical School .

*Read something informational or inspirational every day. Reading for 20 minutes at just 240 words per minute will enable you to read 20 (200-page) books each year. That is 18 more than the average person reads! What an enormous competitive advantage . . . if you will just read for 20 minutes a day.

*The University of Southern California reveals that you can acquire the equivalent of two years of a college education in three years just by listening to motivational and educational cassettes on the way to your job and again on the way home. What could be easier?

*Start the day and end the day with positive inputs in your mind. Inspirational messages cause the brain to flood with dopamine and nor epinephrine, the energizing neurotransmitters; with endorphins, the endurance neurotransmitters; and with serotonin, the feel-good-about-yourself neurotransmitter. Begin and end the day by reading or doing something positive!

Remember: Success is a process, not an event. Invest the time in your attitude and it will pay off in your skills as well as in your career..

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